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💭 You CAN Control Your Thoughts

Samuel Cornell

Updated: Feb 23, 2022

Yes it’s true…


You can actually control your thoughts.


A lot of people will disagree with that statement though.




Because that is their reality.


They haven’t experienced anything to contradict that belief - yet.


They may never experience that contradiction.




Because they are not looking for another reality.


For those that ARE looking to end their suffering…


And ARE searching for a new reality…


You WILL experience something that contradicts your current beliefs.


The mere fact that you have read this post…


And are now aware of the fact that you CAN control your thoughts…


Means that your current belief has been contradicted…


It’s already been challenged…


Which has weakened it’s grasp.


Of course the next step is to actually experience the above.


Which may happen right now…


Or it may happen in a few days.


What I do know…


Is that it will happen at some point.


You see…


When you come round to the idea that YOU CAN control your thoughts…


That means YOU CAN then control your emotions - or at least control how you react to them.


Which means YOU CAN then control your actions.


Meaning that you have grown as a person.


And the goal of life, in my opinion, is to grow just a tiny bit every single day - make sure that you strive to be better than yesterday’s you by just 1% - 0.1% even.


Of course…


It takes a little practice before you become highly accomplished at guiding your thoughts in the direction you want them to go.


But that’s just like anything else, right.


No one ever became a master of something without practice…


Consistent daily practice.


The great thing is…


When you master your thoughts…


You regain control of your life.


Which means you are then in charge of your destiny.


And you can go forth and be whoever you want to be…


Do whatever you want to do…


And have whatever you want to have.


If you work for it of course.


Nothing worth having ever comes without work.






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