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🎉 The Easy Way To Achieve Meaningful Goals In 2022 And Beyond...

Samuel Cornell

Updated: Feb 4, 2022

With the new year started, lots of us will be setting goals or will have ‘resolutions’ in mind.


A big group of the people who do that, will in a few weeks have stagnated and will return to their old ways of being and living.




Many reasons.


Probably the biggest reasons though…


Setting goals that have no real meaning to them…


And setting goals but with no real plan of action on how they’re gonna get there.


When you set goals that have real value to you, and you know how to implement habits to get you to that destination…


Achieving becomes a piece of cake.


It becomes almost effortless.


The problem most of us have these days is that we expect things to happen almost instantly.


When in reality, anything worth having takes time and effort (in the beginning) to achieve.


So how do you set meaningful goals and achieve them?


Forget about what you think you ‘should’ be doing, and set goals that really mean something to you…


Something you will actually value when you get there…


Something that will pull you forward towards it, no matter how tough things get.


You also need to think about why you’re setting that goal…


Why do you want to achieve what you set?


Having that ‘BIG WHY’ will keep you on the right path.


Once you’ve done that…


Think about what types of habits you need to instil, to get you to that destination…


Tiny daily habits that seem insignificant but over time when carried out daily and consistently, will lead to lasting meaningful changes.


Two books that had a massive impact on me were The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy and Atomic Habits by James Clear…


If you haven’t read either of those books, maybe make that two of your goals for this year - in fact you could read both of them in the next two months.


Let’s take that as an example…


You want to start reading more, so you can educate yourself and better yourself by just 1% daily - a small and very achievable goal.


You aim to read one book per month - that’s twelve educational books this year in 2022.


All you have to do to achieve that is read ten pages per day of a book, and in thirty days you read it cover to cover.


Now, ten pages per day is pretty easy right?


Anyone can do that.


The hardest part is being consistent.


But here’s how you stay consistent…


You set a daily reminder in your phone to read ten pages of that book, at the same time every day…


You make it part of your daily routine.


After the first book, you can probably delete the reminder because it will be ingrained in your mind and in your routine that the specific time you set is your reading time.


That type of system can be implemented in any area of life…


And it makes goal setting and achieving easy.


Another example…


You want to reduce your drinking this year because you know you drink too much and it’s starting to affect your health.


Where do you start?


First of all, you track your consumption…


You find out how much you’re actually drinking over a one month period, without changing your current habits.


You then have a baseline to work with.


If you don’t do that, how do you know which direction you’re heading?


You don’t!


When you’ve done that…


You look at areas where you can reduce.


Maybe you discover your biggest days are Friday, Saturday and Sunday…


So you make the decision to not drink at all on Sundays anymore, and instead hit the gym on Sunday afternoon (the usual time you start to drink) which gives you a boost of endorphins and makes you feel good.


You also discover that Wednesday is a bigger day than normal, so you knock that on the head too, and instead go out for a run on Wednesday evening to occupy your mind and remove the craving. By the time you get back, you will want a shower and food - certainly not a drink.


You maintain that habit for four weeks without changing anything else.


Month two rolls round and you discover that your Saturday drinking is affecting your Sunday gym workout, so you get rid of the Saturday drinking too and instead you go for a swim and steam because you have more ‘free’ time, and of course you need to nurse the hangover from Friday night.


You maintain that for another month.


Month three rolls round and you realise that you feel great on Monday because of your ‘clean’ weekend but on Tuesday morning after Monday night’s after work drinks, you feel lets say ‘less than optimal’ so you knock weekday drinking on the head too and instead cook up homemade dinners from scratch each day.


So, now your drinking is limited to just Friday nights…


You feel 300% healthier physically and mentally…


And you have much more money in your bank account to do something meaningful with.


And it started with just cutting out one day of drinking.


That’s how easy it is to set, and stick to, worthwhile meaningful goals.


If you’re thinking of implementing the above and you want some accountability along the way (someone to keep you on the right track)...


Get in touch.




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