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☮️ Let’s Talk Self-Forgiveness…

Samuel Cornell

We all make mistakes in life.


It’s just part of life, right.


How do we learn if we don’t make mistakes?


We don’t.


There’s an old saying or a quote by someone that goes…


“We learn more by losing than we do by winning”.


So why do we fear failure so much?


There could be many reasons.


So, seen as we all make mistakes in life and learn more by ‘failing’ than we do by ‘succeeding’...


Why do a lot of us hold onto these past mistakes as if they’re still part of us?


The fact is…


The past is the past, and cannot be changed.


Only by letting go of the past…


Do we become free in the present.


When we’re free in the present…


We can make better decisions that will benefit our future.


So what am I getting at here?




For ALL your past mistakes…


Only then will you become free in the present.


Which will allow you to make better decisions that will impact your future in a more positive way.


How do you do the above?


I find the best way is to get into a place of ‘stillness’...


Where the mind is completely free from thought and distraction.


This is when healing from your past can be achieved.


You can do that via meditation…


Or via hypnosis.


In my opinion…


They are much the same.


And when your mind is still and undistracted…


Allow your subconscious to bring up those things you still haven’t forgiven yourself for.


Then forgive yourself in that moment for that mistake.


It will then pass…


And the next thing will pop into your mind.


Continue to do this until the mind goes quiet…


And you’re done for that session.


Finish off with some positive affirmations and some gratitude…


And you're golden.


You can then repeat that daily…


Until literally nothing comes up.


That’s when you become REALLY free.


Of course…


You will continue to make mistakes in life.


That’s the only way we learn.


And as you make those mistakes…


Forgive yourself in the moment.


Don’t hold onto it.


Let it go…


And remain free.


What are you holding onto that no longer serves you?


Start the above practice today…


And start liberating yourself.





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