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Is your thinking getting in the way of your growth and progress?

Samuel Cornell

Do you tend to think positively…

or negatively?

Do you look on the bright side…

or the dull side?

Do you look for the good in every situation…

or do you tend to focus on everything that’s wrong.

We all tend to habitually ‘think’ in one way or another.

Whether that’s positively…

or negatively.

And until you decide to change that way of thinking…

it’ll stay like that.

We all have the ability to change…

for the better.

The problem is that most people are scared of change.

Most people like to stay in their comfort zone.

Most people only think about change…

and never actually change

Are you ‘most’ people?

Or are you a little bit different.

Most people want to be in that group of ‘most’ people.

But do you?

If you do…


You can stop reading…

and delete this email.

If you want to grow…




be a better partner…

be a better parent…

be a better human being…

be a better version of yourself…

then keep reading as I have a few words of wisdom to share with you.

Don’t wait for change to happen…

because it probably never will.

Take action.

BE the change.

Make the decision to change…

and keep changing.

Keep learning…

keep evolving…

keep progressing.

Life is one long lesson…

filled with opportunities…

and scattered with the occasional life-changing chance.

Don’t let those opportunities go by unnoticed…


Take action, today…

and aim to better yourself even just by 1% on yesterday’s performance.

If you don’t do that…

you may well end up very bitter and angry at the world…

and yourself…

and all because you didn’t take a chance…

or missed out on an opportunity that you later regretted.

Take action today…


and the next day.

Keep taking action…

until you get to where you really want to be…

until you become someone you are really proud of.






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