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How To Slip Back Into Your Regular Routine With Almost No Effort At All...

Samuel Cornell

It’s that time of year when a lot of us have been away from our normal routine.

Perhaps on holiday abroad somewhere.

Perhaps on holiday in the UK somewhere.

Down time…

it’s a vital part of a healthy lifestyle…

and it works wonders for mind and body.


getting back into your regular routine can be a bit of a challenge.

So how do you go about getting back into the regular routine with relative ease?

You start off with tiny habits and tasks that need doing…

and build up from there.

As an example…

let’s say you were a regular exerciser or gym goer pre ‘time out’.

It was just part of your daily routine…

and you didn’t even have to think about doing it.

It just, sort of, happened.

Now though…

after being out for a week or two…

your motivation and drive is just…



How do you cure this issue?

You make a plan for the week…

and stick to that plan.

You also want to make that plan easy to execute…

and by that I just mean not attempting to make much progress or ‘gains’ this week…

just getting that routine started again.

As an example you could plan to train on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with the aim of completing three, four, and five rounds of a HIIT circuit respectively.

Or getting into the gym and performing five to eight sets of a single exercise like a deadlift on Tuesday, a chest and back superset day on Thursday utilising just two exercises for a total of 10 sets, then barbell back-squat on Saturday for five to eight sets to finish off the week.

If running is your thing (it’s not mine, not for distance anyway), you could aim for one mile on Wednesday, one point five on Friday and two on Sunday.

If sprinting is more your thing…

3 x 100m on Monday, 4 x 100m on Thursday, then 5 x 100m on Sunday.

I guarantee…

that if you implement something like that into your life…

you’ll discover that motivation and drive, and your routine, will return almost effortlessly…

and you can use the same type of strategy for any area of your life.

Let’s say pre ‘time out’ you were a regular presence on social.

Now though…

you're lacking not just ideas and content…

but motivation and drive too.

What do you do?

You start off small and build up over the week.

Perhaps a quote on Monday.

A meme on Tuesday.

A photo on Wednesday with a short explanation.

A Short written post on Thursday…

and a longer post on Friday.

Without much effort at all…

you’re back in the game.

Perhaps your inbox is crammed full of all sorts…

important stuff…

and the usual junk that lands in there too.

How do you sift and clear out without too much hassle?

You highlight everything for deletion…

then just untick only the most important stuff.

Stuff that catches your eye…

and looks like it's worth a read.

Then you delete the rest.

As you can see…

getting back into your usual routine is pretty simple really.

If you know how to do it.

What are you gonna start rebuilding or clearing out today?

Whatever it is…

get started now.

There’s no better time than the present.





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