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💵 Free Vs Paid Therapy & Coaching...

Samuel Cornell

Updated: Feb 4, 2022

Cost, or investment being a better word, varies greatly in the Therapy and Coaching world.


You can get ‘free’ services from charities or local governments…


And you can pay tens of thousands privately.


Let’s take rehab for example…


Again, something that varies massively…


But in my own experience - £3k per week of ‘treatment’.


A huge expense.


The reality is…


Rehab rarely works.


I don’t know the exact numbers but the relapse rate after leaving rehab is huge.


It’s more unsuccessful than it is successful.




In my experience, it doesn’t get to the root-cause of the problem.


It deals with surface problems.


Yes, you feel great after four weeks in rehab.


But that’s because you’re four weeks free of alcohol and drugs and you’ve essentially had a four week holiday from real life.


Who ain’t gonna feel good after a month-long holiday?


Then you have the ‘free’ services that are available…


But the people who run these things - the Therapists and Counsellors - don’t get paid a huge amount of money.


They work long hours.


They listen to people's problems, and excuses for drinking and using, all day long.


They aren’t 100% invested because of the above.


They’re tired and underpaid.


And in my experience, they only have ‘Counselling’ skills.


For real change to happen…


The people helping, need a toolbox full of tools to help people truly recover from addiction.


Not to mention the actual life experience of going through the problem themselves.


When you have the above, it makes you a great Coach, Therapist, Mentor, whatever you wanna call it.


You see the problem differently.


You have empathy and complete understanding of the issue at hand.


You are aware of the difficulties and the pitfalls.


You get to the source of the issue quicker and easier, without delving into and wasting time on unnecessary ‘rabbit holes’.


You can see almost immediately if that person is ready for change, or not.


Of course, working with someone like that isn’t going to be free…


But in the long run, it’ll be much more beneficial.




Because you’ll recover quicker.


Meaning you’ll experience inner-peace and freedom sooner.


And that…


Is priceless.


If you want to discover what that inner-peace and freedom feels like…


Get in touch.




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