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Do Your Perceptions Change With Age?

Samuel Cornell

Here’s my own thinking on this subject:


your perceptions do change with age…

if you allow them to.

Of course many people stick with the same beliefs throughout their whole lives…

which of course is fine…

that’s their prerogative.

But in order to grow…

in order to evolve throughout life…

you have to self-reflect…

listen to other people's opinions and views…

and see things from different perspectives.

That’s the only way you can grow…

become better…

more rounded…

and gain more knowledge and wisdom.

If you don’t self-reflect regularly…

if you don’t actively seek to grow in some way or another…

you’ll get stuck in the same routine…

the same habits…

the same thinking patterns…

and stuck with the same beliefs.

That’s no way, in my opinion, to live life.

So if you’re stuck in the latter…

how do you go about changing that?

You start off by becoming aware of your limiting beliefs…

thinking patterns…

and habits.

You then self-reflect daily…




Whatever suits you…

and you make sure you’re heading in the right direction…

the direction you really want to go.

If you are…


continue doing what you’re doing.


if you find that you’re not heading in the direction you really want to be heading…

you adjust your course in some way or another.

The theory isn’t that difficult…

there’s not much to it at all.

The difficult part is drive…

and consistency.

That’s what you gotta work on…

and that part doesn't come easy.

Anything worth having…

isn’t easy to get.

You have to work at it…

and consistency always wins out.

If you’re consistent in anything…

you’ll end up at the place you intended…

in good time.

Are you growing and evolving?

Or, stagnant and sliding?

Perhaps it’s time to really find out and start analysing your life…

and self-reflecting on a regular.

If you need help getting to where you want to be…

wherever that may be…

you know where I am.

I help people reach their peak emotional, mental, physical and spiritual potential.

If that’s something that you want to achieve in your life…

get in touch.





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