Is it possible to relieve yourself from pain using self-hypnosis?
The answer…
It’s something I use myself…
and have used the process a number of times to alleviate pain that’s at the top end of the pain scale.
You see…
when you take your attention away from the discomfort.
When you direct your attention to something else like the breath…
the pain magically disappears.
I say magical.
It’s not magical at all.
It’s just a redirection of your attention…
and when you’re not focused on something…
it doesn’t bother you so much…
if at all.
Now this isn’t a permanent fix.
It’s of course temporary.
If you’re experiencing pain or discomfort somewhere…
it’s a message from your body that something isn’t quite right…
and you should get it seen to…
to uncover the root cause of the issue.
If you go to your GP…
and they just fob you off with pain killers…
that’s not solving the issue.
It’s treating a symptom…
a symptom of something deeper.
go and see someone else.
Go private.
Speak to other professionals who have had different training.
Of course there are times when pain…
physical pain…
is psychological.
Perhaps events or emotions that haven’t been processed…
now manifesting in your physical body in the form of pain.
But you should always get any physical discomfort checked out by someone who specialises in that sort of thing first…
and if they find no physical reason for your pain…
then it could be that it’s because of the aforementioned.
if you ever experience pain or discomfort that’s unbearable…
and you want relief from it (albeit temporary)...
try self hypnosis or meditation (in my opinion they are very similar although a lot of people would disagree).
It does take practice though…
and if you don’t get the desired result first time round…
keep trying.
Keep returning to your ‘practice’.
To your breath.
you’ll find relief…
deep down in the depths of stillness and tranquillity that lies within us all.
you have all the resources you need for change…
including the resource of natural pain relief.
If after practice...
you still don’t get the result you’re looking for…
you could also go and see a professional Hypnotist or Hypnotherapist (same thing).
Not only will they be able to relieve the pain almost immediately…
it’ll also be longer lasting…
and they’ll teach you the skill of self-hypnosis…
so you can ‘top up’ your pain relief whenever you need to.
#youhavealltheresourcesyouneedforchange #courage #strength #resilience #wisdom #selfassurance #selfbelief #selfconfidence #samueljcornell #samuelcornellcoaching