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Hi. My name is Sam. I label myself a ‘Positive Change Facilitator’. Why? Well, because I help people reach their peak emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual potential. In essence, I help people make positive permanent changes in their lives.
It all started for me back in 2008. I was working for Mercedes-Benz as a vehicle technician. I was getting paid well. The work was easy. The hours were pretty good, with weekend overtime available at ‘time and a half’. I had very little responsibility in life and lots of disposable income. I had a girlfriend. We went on holiday every year. Yet something was missing. I was bored with the monotony of life. And, I was beginning to recognise problems with alcohol and drugs.
One day on the way home from work, I heard an ad on the radio promoting free government funded training to become a fitness instructor - there must have been a shortage of fitness trainers at the time. I was very into health and fitness and desired a change in my life. I applied the next day and got accepted. That was the start of my ‘coaching’ career.
A few years down the line I ‘levelled-up’ to Personal Trainer status. I enjoyed the role yet I was employed by a big gym chain, and I’d come to the realisation that being employed was not for me. I didn’t like rules, and I didn’t like authority (this, I now realise, came from childhood ‘programming’). So I went my own way, and became a self-employed Personal Trainer. This was much better. I made my own rules. Worked when I wanted to work. And I enjoyed helping others achieve their goals.
Unfortunately, my drug and alcohol problem was becoming worse. I’d begun to seek help from local authority projects and although I was able to get a few months of sobriety while in the ‘care’ of these services, as soon as I was discharged I fell back into old ways of thinking, living and being. This went on for years, and depression was now becoming a problem for me too. Over the years I’d seek help from my GP; I tried CBT; I sought help from Counsellors and Therapists; I went to AA, CA and NA; I read up on addiction, alcoholism, spirituality and many other personal development areas. Nothing seemed to work, and progressively I got worse and worse. Binges on alcohol and cocaine were now frequent and lasted up to three weeks at a time. Obviously, my business wasn’t doing too well during this period. I had to go back into employment but hated it. I generally stayed with a company for about six months before I got bored and moved on. These were jobs that required no qualifications and paid very little, but they were enough to keep my habit going.
In 2018 I ended up in rehab for four weeks. I felt fantastic when I left there. Full of life and vigour. Fully committed to abstinence. Yet three months down the line I was back to my old ways. I couldn’t work it out. I thought I was doomed forever. The depression was still getting worse. I’d run out of options for alcohol and drug treatment. Then in December 2019 after a long binge, I lost my marbles and got committed to an institution. I’d been suffering the effects of psychosis and was seeing and hearing things that weren’t there in reality!
Luckily I’d been practising meditation for many years prior to this event, on and off (it wasn’t a daily practice at this point in time). I sat for what felt like hours, meditating, in a bare room while being observed by nurses and doctors. During that meditation, I had and insight - the past seven days had been completely fictional. My mind had created this alternate reality I’d been living in. I burst into tears. I was released just twenty four hours after being committed.
That was the beginning of my recovery journey. ‘Lockdown’ 2020 was a big help for me. It allowed me to focus on myself while the world around me slowly came to a halt. It gave me time to relax, slow down, focus on my mental and physical health, and figure out what I really wanted to do with my life. That’s when I discovered Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy, and Neuro- Linguistic Programming. I enrolled onto an online course in each discipline, and completed them over lockdown. Then when the world started up again, I enrolled on an in-person Life Coaching course. After that, I enrolled on an in-person Hypnotherapy course.
And that brings us to today. I now have a purpose. Something I’d been lacking for a long time. I’m drug and alcohol free. I’m fully committed to abstinence - something I now realise I wasn’t, when I was still ‘troubled’. I have a real passion for helping people with addictions. But, more than that, I help people from all walks of life become the masters; the pilots of their own lives.
That’s my mission, my goal - to help people take charge of their emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. Using skills I’ve learned through life experience, Personal Training, Life Coaching, and Hypnotherapy; I help people reach their peak emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual potential. I help people discover their own strength, courage, wisdom, and innate ability to deal with anything life throws at them! I don’t help people with individual ‘life problems’. It’s bigger than that. I help people reconnect with their own ability to take life by the horns and start thriving instead of just surviving!
Would you like to take life by the horns and start thriving instead of just surviving?
Book your complimentary session by tapping here!
Further Random Facts And Information
My Top Three Personal Development Books
Atomic Habits - James Clear
The Compound Effect - Darren Hardy
The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck - Mark Manson
My Personal Entry Book Into Meditation And Spirituality
Meditation For Beginners - Jack Kornfield
Top Five Core Values
Be compassionate with yourself and towards others.
Be non-judgemental towards others at all times.
Be honest. Stick to your morals. Do what you say you’re going to do.
Be brave. Try new things. Step out of your ‘comfort zone’ often. Disregard the naysayers.
The pinnacle of contentment. Practice meditation, daily. Learn to ‘let-go’.
Three Random Facts
I have three beautiful children.
I once rode the London to Brighton bike ride with a boil on my a*se.
I lived in North Wales from the age of 3 to 7 years old and could, back then, speak fluent Welsh.
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